Tag: mission
Hip parking meter is hip
A few years ago the city installed new smart parking meters that accept credit cards and are powered by the sun. But did you know […]
Disneyland comes to The Mission
Good news, everyone! Disneyland is coming to the Mission! A recent street stencil breaks the news. I called up Disney’s headquarters for more information. Here’s […]
I Love You
Flyers proclaiming their love for you have started appearing around the Mission. Is this some kind of viral marketing for a new romcom staring Adam […]
Dolores California Gourmet Burritos in Berlin
On a small side street near the touristy hellhole of Alexanderplatz is a San Francisco themed burrito place. If you’re a burrito lover in or […]
Estraberis are back!
You might recall the favorite fruit of Spaniglish-speakers everywhere, the estraberi showing up at Loma Produce last year. Well thanks to this photo by Alexia […]
4chan infiltrated Noisebridge
Oh dear, the Anonymous meme junkies at 4chan seem to have infiltrated San Francisco’s hacker-den, Noisebridge, with a variety of meme-stencils.
Spanglish: Estraberi
English: StrawberrySpanish: FresaSpanglish: Estraberi Spotted at La Loma Produce. Photo by Rose
Brief billboard mural on 14th and Valencia
A street-level billboard on 14th St. and Valencia that recently featured a cool street art mural. Unfortunately it was removed by “the man” before I […]
Here’s Johnny!
Someone pulled a Jack Nicholson on this poor door, then left it on a bunch of mailboxes at 16th and Guerrero. At least the mailboxes […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at” gmail.com
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