Category: Film
Recent movie review round-up (2024)
Due to time constraints last year I never got to post a “part one” of my movie roundup for 2024. So you’re getting it all […]
Recent movie review round-up (second half of 2023)
Right as it seemed the movies were back in a big way, the powers that be in Hollywood screwed up with yet even more poor […]
Recent movie review round-up (first half of 2023)
Sometimes it’s difficult to say if there’s a theme to the movies that came out recently versus if there’s a theme to the movies you […]
Recent movie review round-up (second half of 2022)
With a chilly and surprisingly rainy fall and winter here on the west coast, I had so much time to watch movies recently that I […]
Recent movie review round-up (first half of 2022)
I’ve never tried to come up with any sort of “theme” for the movies I review in these posts, I just watch whatever interests me […]
Recent movie review round-up (second half of 2021)
It seems like it had been been ages since I set foot inside any type of live venue, but since my last movie review roundup […]
Recent movie review round-up (first half of 2021)
Once again it’s movie time! Similar to my last movie review roundup I watched all of these movies from home, although now that most of […]
Recent movie review round-up (second half of 2020)
In the last installment of my movie review roundups I expressed some concern about new movies in 2020 due to the pandemic. Thankfully I was […]
Recent movie review round-up (first half of 2020)
It certainly hasn’t been a great year for movies with the global pandemic so a handful of these are from last year. What can I […]
My favorite MST3k episodes featuring incoherent movies
Now that life is inching back towards some sense of normalcy with the first restrictions lifted in many places, it’s time to revisit my earlier […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at”
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- You can now follow this blog on Bluesky, if that’s something you want to do
- Recent movie review round-up (2024)
- Keys to the city
- When RoboCop parodied San Francisco’s most infamous assassination
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