How to wait for the 22 Fillmore

Muni stop party

Is the wait for the 22 too long? “No shit,” you mutter under your breath, steam coming out your ears and veins popping out of your forehead.

Fortunately, some smart local folks have apparently figured out a way to make the 22’s notoriously inconsistent schedule work in their favor: with sangria.

Now on most Muni lines you don’t have time to buy a couple bottles of wine while you’re waiting for the next bus, let alone cut up fruit, allow it to steep, and drink the entire pitcher before the bus arrives. But the 22 isn’t a normal bus line. The wait for the 22 can range from 1 second to 48 minutes; the NextMuni prediction tends to oscillate randomly between those extremes.

Frankly there’s no way to tell when (or if) the next 22 will come. So until then, why not have a sangria party? Aside from your liver, what have you got to lose?