Month: December 2010
Lily Pond at Golden Gate Park
Check any map of Golden Gate Park. Near the Conservatory of Flowers is the “Lily Pond.” But what exactly is the Lily Pond? Here’s some […]
Eat your fractals
On Monday I was acquiring sustenance at Rainbow Grocery when I came across an edible fractal in the produce section. The label described it as […]
Christmas at City Hall
Since I never leave the Mission, I was surprised how impressive City Hall looks all lit up for the holidays. As far as I can […]
The glonous history of chopstlks
Today I was introduced to Yamo, a cheap and decent Chinese lunch counter at 18th and Mission. I was also introduced to some wonderful Engrish […]
Why is there an empty lot at 15th and Dolores?
There’s been an empty lot at the corner of 15th and Dolores for well over a decade. Despite a sign promising condos to be built […]
My life is… My home is…
You may remember the ads a few years ago that read, “My life is San Francisco, my home is Parkmerced.” Advertisers aren’t know for telling […]
Song parodies from Sesame Street
What makes Sesame Street successful is that it’s fun enough that parents will actually sit down and watch with their kids. One of their tricks […]
Fire in the Inner Sunset
Alexia Anthem sent me this video of an apartment fire in the Inner Sunset. You can see fire fighters are on the roof already, but […]
About Eric
Travel, movies, comedy, tech, and whatever I find on the streets of San Francisco.
Contact: mrericsir “at”
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